What is a Cord of 3?
It is a small group of people who seek God, united, to bring change for the sake of our children and grandchildren. A "Cord of 3" is when one person asks two other people to pray and fast together in unity for a common cause. What is the common cause? It is to seek God in our lives and families and pray for national repentance. They pray and fast that God will turn the course of our nation back to God. Then we add our personal needs as well.
So, a "Cord of 3" begins with one person who asks two people to be part of a "Cord of 3." (If you can only find one other person, then start with one other person. If you have no one else at first, begin on your own and ask God to bring the other people.) Then those in your "Cord of 3" commit to earnestly seek God in prayer and / or prayer with fasting regularly. Decide on a common day. Monday is an opportune day for many people as the beginning of the work week. Each of us as individuals will have our "Cord of 3" around us to unite with and remain accountable to regularly. (How to Three Way Call)
Almost all people are able to fast two meals. If you can't, seek God as to how you could be involved instead. How many meals do we need to fast? Each person seeks God for His guidance. Start with a meal or two. Seek God and ask Him to lay on your heart what He desires you to start with. You can do a partial day fast or an all day fast. Many of the early Christians and apostles fasted regularly (weekly).
What is a fast? A fast, as the Bible describes it, is a restraint from food (a covering of the mouth) for a specific spiritual purpose, in this case an earnest seeking of God for the change of our nation. Why? Because prayer with fasting is honored by God as humility. For more questions on fasting go to our Fast page.
As a "Cord of 3" we come before God to seek Him. Jer. 33:3 says, "Call to Me and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Then, take time to pray for our neighborhoods, our nation, and families to heal and love Christ. Also pray for people to come to Christ.
You can meet together in person or over the phone in any way that works for you. Some groups of prayer use a conference call center to unite together over the phone. Others use three way calling. And still others will call eachother individually (one on one). This is a great way to also mentor another person if God has called you to mentor someone. If there are times that you just need to adjust times or schedules, be flexible as needed. But remember, there is nothing better than uniting in prayer before God. Set it as a priority. Keep each other accountable.
A "Cord of 3" can be made up of: friends, family, coworkers, someone that you would like to be mentored by, or someone that you would like to mentor. Pray and seek God to lay on your heart and mind the names of people He would like you to ask. Then, start with who you have. You do not have to have your "Cord of 3" filled to start.
If you have people that God has laid on your mind that would make more than 3, you can always consider helping another Cord of 3 get started or invite them to be a part of your's. This is not to be legalistic, but it is an invitation to grow in the Lord and to bring change to our families and nation through being connected in prayer.
Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together.
-Charles Finney
Over the last few months, I have been committed to add fasting to my prayer on a weekly basis. One of the benefits that I have personally received is a hunger to know Him more and to dig more deeply into His Word. Another benefit that was a little unexpected, is that fasting together with prayer has brought my husband and I closer together. When I first heard of the Cord of 3 fasting and prayer commitment I really didn't know what to expect, but He has once again proven Himself faithful. It has become a lifestyle. --Tamie D.
Satan trembles when we pray
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
-Samuel Chadwick, unknown source
- Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 nkjv
It is a small group of people who seek God, united, to bring change for the sake of our children and grandchildren. A "Cord of 3" is when one person asks two other people to pray and fast together in unity for a common cause. What is the common cause? It is to seek God in our lives and families and pray for national repentance. They pray and fast that God will turn the course of our nation back to God. Then we add our personal needs as well.
So, a "Cord of 3" begins with one person who asks two people to be part of a "Cord of 3." (If you can only find one other person, then start with one other person. If you have no one else at first, begin on your own and ask God to bring the other people.) Then those in your "Cord of 3" commit to earnestly seek God in prayer and / or prayer with fasting regularly. Decide on a common day. Monday is an opportune day for many people as the beginning of the work week. Each of us as individuals will have our "Cord of 3" around us to unite with and remain accountable to regularly. (How to Three Way Call)
Almost all people are able to fast two meals. If you can't, seek God as to how you could be involved instead. How many meals do we need to fast? Each person seeks God for His guidance. Start with a meal or two. Seek God and ask Him to lay on your heart what He desires you to start with. You can do a partial day fast or an all day fast. Many of the early Christians and apostles fasted regularly (weekly).
What is a fast? A fast, as the Bible describes it, is a restraint from food (a covering of the mouth) for a specific spiritual purpose, in this case an earnest seeking of God for the change of our nation. Why? Because prayer with fasting is honored by God as humility. For more questions on fasting go to our Fast page.
As a "Cord of 3" we come before God to seek Him. Jer. 33:3 says, "Call to Me and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Then, take time to pray for our neighborhoods, our nation, and families to heal and love Christ. Also pray for people to come to Christ.
You can meet together in person or over the phone in any way that works for you. Some groups of prayer use a conference call center to unite together over the phone. Others use three way calling. And still others will call eachother individually (one on one). This is a great way to also mentor another person if God has called you to mentor someone. If there are times that you just need to adjust times or schedules, be flexible as needed. But remember, there is nothing better than uniting in prayer before God. Set it as a priority. Keep each other accountable.
A "Cord of 3" can be made up of: friends, family, coworkers, someone that you would like to be mentored by, or someone that you would like to mentor. Pray and seek God to lay on your heart and mind the names of people He would like you to ask. Then, start with who you have. You do not have to have your "Cord of 3" filled to start.
If you have people that God has laid on your mind that would make more than 3, you can always consider helping another Cord of 3 get started or invite them to be a part of your's. This is not to be legalistic, but it is an invitation to grow in the Lord and to bring change to our families and nation through being connected in prayer.
Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together.
-Charles Finney
Over the last few months, I have been committed to add fasting to my prayer on a weekly basis. One of the benefits that I have personally received is a hunger to know Him more and to dig more deeply into His Word. Another benefit that was a little unexpected, is that fasting together with prayer has brought my husband and I closer together. When I first heard of the Cord of 3 fasting and prayer commitment I really didn't know what to expect, but He has once again proven Himself faithful. It has become a lifestyle. --Tamie D.
Satan trembles when we pray
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
-Samuel Chadwick, unknown source